Author’s Response: Favor and Gratitude: Reading Galatians in Its Greco- Roman Context.
In the book Favor and Gratitude: Reading Galatians in its Greco-Roman Context I insist that Paul intentionally appealed to the cultural value of benefaction of the ancient world to proclaim the gospel message of Christ to the Galatian Christians. In
Book Review: Favor and Gratitude: Reading Galatians in Its Greco- Roman Context.
Okorie Ferdinand. 2021. Favor and Gratitude: Reading Galatians in Its Greco-Roman Context. Lanham: Lexington Books. xii 143 pp. ISBN: 978-1- 9787-0702-3. Approx. 1593 ZAR (87.03 USD). Hardcover.
Author’s Response: Reading Jeremiah in Africa: Biblical Essays in Sociopolitical Imagination.
The best way to begin my response to Yacouba Sanon’s review of my book Reading Jeremiah in Africa: Biblical Essays in Sociopolitical Imagination is to thank him for his careful critique.
Book Review: Reading Jeremiah in Africa: Biblical Essays in Sociopolitical Imagination.
Katho Bungishabaku. 2021. Reading Jeremiah in Africa: Biblical Essays in Sociopolitical Imagination. Carlisle: HippoBooks. xiii 217 pp. ISBN: 978-1- 83973-213-3. Approx. 355 ZAR (15.99 GBP). Paperback.
Author’s Response: Against Principalities and Powers: Spiritual Beings in Relation to Communal Identity and the Moral Discourse of Ephesians.
Against Principalities and Powers endeavors to fill a lacuna in modern scholarship and augment modern contributions in the study of Ephesians by drawing attention to a prominent but neglected feature in the letter namely spirit cosmology.
Book Review: Against Principalities and Powers: Spiritual Beings in Relation to Communal Identity and the Moral Discourse of Ephesians.
Darko Daniel K. 2020. Against Principalities and Powers: Spiritual Beings in Relation to Communal Identity and the Moral Discourse of Ephesians. Carlisle: HippoBooks. xvii 279 pp. ISBN: 9781783687671. Approx. 380 ZAR (17,99 GBP). Paperback.
Author’s Response: Kony as Moses: Old Testament Texts and Motifs in the Early Years of the Lord’s Resistance Army, Uganda.
To a large extent Nyirenda understood my work and identified the challenges I raise and respond to in my book. However we diverge on the kind of solution suggested.
Book Review: Kony as Moses: Old Testament Texts and Motifs in the Early Years of the Lord’s Resistance Army Uganda
Nkabala Helen Nambalirwa. 2021. Kony as Moses: Old Testament Texts and Motifs in the Early Years of the Lord’s Resistance Army Uganda. New York: Peter Lang. x 203 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4331-8429-1. Approx. 915 ZAR (49.95 USD). Hardback.