Editorial Team

Description and Responsibilities

The journal is steered by an Editorial Team that meets once a month. The Editorial Team consists of the editor, associate editor, content editor, copy editor, proofreader and administrator, and book review editor(s).

The responsibilities of team members are outlined here below:


The editor is responsible for the Editorial Team, the journal’s research trajectory, and upholding the ethos of Conspectus. They communicate with the Editorial Board on behalf of the Editorial Team. The editor also reports to SATS’s Management Team on behalf of the Editorial Team and vice-versa. The editor and associate editor meet regularly to discuss Conspectus’s operations. The editor is also a member of Conspectus’s Editorial Board.

Associate Editor

The associate editor is responsible for the journal’s operations. This includes implementing procedures related to the editorial process and contributing to the journal’s research trajectory. The associate editor also chairs Editorial Team meetings, communicates with contributors and the Editorial Team, and evaluates the content of the journal. The associate editor is also a member of Conspectus’s Editorial Board.

Content Editor

The content editor is responsible for the quality of articles that are published in Conspectus. As a gatekeeper of standards, they have the authority to query the efficacy and viability of submissions approved by referees. The content editor also contributes to the journal’s operational ethos and serves as a member of Conspectus’s Editorial Board.

Copy Editor

The copy editor is responsible for Conspectus’s grammar and formatting. However, the role extends to other areas of the editorial process. As a gatekeeper of standards, they ensure that articles are free from plagiarism and have the authority to query the efficacy and viability of submissions approved by referees. The copy editor also evaluates journal content, contributes to the journal’s operational ethos, and serves on Conspectus’s Editorial Board.

Proofreader and Administrator

The proofreader and administrator is responsible for checking grammar and typesetting before an issue is published. They are responsible for setting the agenda and collating minutes and actions from the Editorial Team’s monthly meetings, as well as other administrative tasks delegated by the editor and associate aditor. As administrator, they also collate data metrics from the sites that the journal is indexed on.

Book Review Editor(s)

The book review editor is responsible for negotiating and maintaining agreements for free review copies with publishing houses, identifying relevant books for review, and collating and evaluating book reviews for publication. They also serve on Conspectus’s Editorial Board.

Current Members

Editor: Dr. Cornelia van Deventer ([email protected])[1]

Associate Editor: Dr. Caswell Ntseno ([email protected])

Content Editor: Prof. Dan Lioy ([email protected])

Copy Editor: Mr. Izaak Connoway ([email protected])

Proofreader and Administrator: Ms. Lize Labuschagne ([email protected])

Book Review Editors: Prof. Dan Lioy and Dr. George Coon ([email protected])

Editorial Board

Description and Responsibilities

The Editorial Board is an international group of scholars appointed by Conspectus’s editor in consultation with the SATS Management Team to provide accountability and professional input in the running of the journal. Potential board members are identified by the existing board and/or Editorial Team and invited to submit a CV, photograph, biography, and 3–4 articles for consideration by the Editorial Team in consultation with the SMT. It is not standard procedure for members of the public to apply for such a position; rather, potential members are invited by the journal editor.

At least two thirds of the Editorial Board consist of scholars with no formal affiliation to SATS. Editorial Board members do not review articles but fulfill an advisory role. The responsibilities of Editorial Board members include familiarizing themselves with the values, scope, and aims of the journal, doing a high-level reading of each volume (two per year), completing a short bi-annual report form, and availing themselves for two Editorial Board meetings a year.

The bi-annual report form includes

  • feedback on the last edition,
  • suggestions for upcoming editions, and
  • suggestions for possible reviewers, Editorial Board members, authors, articles, and books to review.

All Editorial Board meetings are hosted online on a video-conferencing platform. These meetings are recorded, and minutes are archived by the associate editor. An Editorial Board chairperson is nominated by the Editorial Team and Editorial Board and appointed to the role for a two-year period (four journal issues). The elected chairperson is responsible for chairing the bi-annual meetings.

Current Editorial Board Members

Dr. Scott Adams (Regent University)

Dr. Collium Banda (North-West University);

Dr. Albert Coetsee (North-West University);

Mr. Izaak J. L. Connoway (South African Theological Seminary)

Dr. George Coon (South African Theological Seminary);

Dr. Daniel Darko (Gordon College);

Prof. Philip du Toit (North-West University);

Dr. Wanjiru Gitau (Palm Beach Atlantic University);

Dr. Desmond Henry (Luis Palau Association; North-West University);

Dr. Luc Kabongo (University of Pretoria);

Dr. Basilius Kasera (University of Namibia);

Prof. Dan Lioy (Institute of Lutheran Theology; Portland Seminary; South African Theological Seminary);

Dr. Dogara Ishaya Manomi (Theological College of Northern Nigeria; University of Mainz);

Dr. Batanayi Manyika (South African Theological Seminary);

Prof. Elna Mouton (Stellenbosch University);

Dr. Kevin Muriithi Ndereba (St. Paul’s University; Stellenbosch University)

Dr. Caswell Ntseno (South African Theological Seminary);

Dr. Bitrus Sarma (Kagoro Theological Seminary);

Dr. Vuyani Sindo (George Whitefield College);

Dr. Daniel Strange (Crosslands Forum);

Dr. Abeneazer G. Urga (Evangelical Theological College)

Dr. Cornelia van Deventer (South African Theological Seminary);

Prof. Cynthia Long Westfall (McMaster Divinity College);

Dr. Alistair Wilson (Edinburgh Theological Seminary

Review Board

Articles submitted to Conspectus undergo double-blind peer review, provided they pass the editors’ initial inspection. The journal has a board of reviewers who are responsible for reviewing articles across the spectrum of theological disciplines. Reviewers are enlisted to review articles within their areas of specialization. Review forms are supplied by the Editorial Team (see Annexure B). The board of reviewers has a two-thirds membership majority external to SATS and none of its members are permitted to serve on the Editorial Team or Editorial Board. To safeguard the integrity of the double-blind peer review process, the list of reviewers is not published in any of the journal’s policy documents.

Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement

By agreeing to serve on the Editorial Team, the Review Board, or the Editorial Board, one assents to the confidentiality and non-disclosure policy here described.

Terms of Agreement

The Editorial Team, Editorial Board Members, and Board of Referees undertake to treat as confidential and not to disclose to any person without the written authority from the editors, the following information:

  1. know-how, ideas, trade secrets, suppliers, customers, and trade connections;
  2. information pertaining to the management of Conspectus, contributors’ personal details, the names and personal details of the Board of Reviewers, and contributors’ unpublished research;
  3. any written information which is labelled “confidential” or “proprietary” before it is disclosed to the contributors; or
  4. any oral information, which is preceded by a statement that it is intended to be confidential and is later reduced in writing by the Editorial Team.

Should team members, board members, and reviewers be unsure whether certain information is confidential, they will be obliged to treat such information as confidential until the uncertainty is resolved. This agreement is specifically enforceable without proof of monetary damages and shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. The provisions of this agreement shall survive the termination of a contract or memorandum of understanding between Conspectus and members of the Editorial Team, Editorial Board, and Review Board. In the event that any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid for any reason, the remainder of this agreement will remain in full force and effect.

To sign the Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement, visit Annexure C.

[1] Editorial Office: 37 Grosvenor Road, Bryanston, Sandton, 2191. Contact Number: 011 022 4440


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