r. Florence Wamahiga Githuthu, a Christian, a married woman and mother of two children hails from a small town called Nyeri in central Kenya. She began her career as a civil servant in 1982 and worked for the Kenya Government for ten years before she began practicing psychological counselling. She has garnered much acclaim for her presence and service in Tangaza University College as a psychological counsellor. Florence is a finalist for a second prestigious doctorate award by the Institute of Social Transformation, Tangaza University College of Catholic University. She earned her first doctorate in 2007 from Washington International University (Doctor of Arts in counselling). She holds a master’s degree in Sociology (Counselling option) and two postgraduate diplomas, one in psychology from Amani counselling center and training institute and another in International Humanitarian Assistance from Fordham University, USA.
Keywords: radicalization, extremism, forgiveness, violence