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11 10, 2023

Three reasons why Christians need to maintain a balance between academic life and spiritual life by Isaac Boaheng

2023-10-04T15:28:34+02:00October 11th, 2023|Blog Articles|

Quite often I hear people, even Christian scholars, say “This is academic, not spiritual.” This underlines the dichotomy that these scholars and non-scholars hold between academic work and spirituality. ...

10 10, 2023

Is it “steadfast love” or “all of us” (Lam 3:22)? How one word and one letter widened my wonder at the love of God by Izaak J L Connoway

2024-08-27T07:24:41+02:00October 10th, 2023|Blog Articles|

I clearly remember the first time I heard someone sing The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases by Edith Mcneill. I was really touched by the beautiful words ...

9 10, 2023

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me: An anointing on a Spirit-filled man or a Spirit-filled God-man? by Jose De Carvalho

2023-10-09T12:11:22+02:00October 9th, 2023|Blog Articles|

The Synoptics appear to provide an understanding of Jesus as a man preaching and healing in Galilee and Judea, empowered by the Holy Spirit and, consequently, a valid example ...

6 10, 2023

Biblical Reconciliation: Navigating the Space Between by Carrie Milton

2023-10-06T08:35:46+02:00October 6th, 2023|Blog Articles|

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor – Franklin D. Roosevelt. Maritime environments can be challenging. A skilled sailor has to consider the wind, the waves, ocean currents, ...

31 08, 2023

Does church planting matter in mission today? by Dr. Jesse Fungwa Kipimo

2023-08-21T09:31:44+02:00August 31st, 2023|Blog Articles|

Introduction “Church planting as mission, or mission as church planting.” This remains a debatable theme among missiologists. For some of them, there is no mission without church planting while ...

25 08, 2023

The Eternal Enigma: The Astonishing Reality of God in Time by Dr Robert Falconer

2023-08-25T13:31:34+02:00August 25th, 2023|Blog Articles|

God’s relationship to time is one of those age-old questions that have been around for centuries. Philosophers and theologians have been fascinated by it, myself included! A theology of ...

16 08, 2023

May the force be with you? A tribute to the Personhood of the Holy Spirit. by Yvonne Roberg

2023-08-16T13:32:33+02:00August 16th, 2023|Blog Articles|

With the massive rise in New Age mysticism and the belief in a person's conscious ability to direct an invisible energy source for healing, enlightenment, and spiritual transformation, it ...

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