Silva, Eder José de Melo. The formation of urban leadership in a missional and pastoral perspective: case study of the National Baptist Theological Seminary in Goiania-GO-Brazil. In the urban context, the educational process of Christian leadership formation presupposes a theological instruction that offers a double theoretical focus, namely missional and pastoral. The research shows that most of Brazilian theological seminaries focus on pastoral formation and that the missional approach is an exception. As the single approach on either, or pastoral or missional, results in dysfunctional formation, the proposal is to focus on both kinds of approach: missional – know how to reach the non-God‟s people – and pastoral – know how to nourish the God‟s people faith and give them tools to the missional work.
Thesis_PhD_2018_De-Melo-SilvaEAuthor: De Melo Silva, Eder José