The mini-thesis explores the socio-cultural practice of widowhood in Ezeagu, Nigeria. The study found through both the literature study and the empirical component, that harmful cultural practices are associated with the cultural rituals of widowhood. These rituals are deeply rooted in hegemonic theory, a type of moral and philosophical leadership, which promotes dominance and control at the expense of the oppressed and marginalised. Hegemonic practice in Nigeria – as it relates to widowhood practices – rests with major social, political and religious groups who provide consent to cultural practices. Furthermore, the study found hegemonic theory undermines the human dignity and rights of widows and their children in the research locale and has added to the stress (life crisis units) and hardships of widowhood.
AgabuzuT_Final-MiniThesis-Apr-20151Author: Agubuzu-Oyi, Celestina