
Look at the Kings of Judah and learn lessons from their leadership that you can apply today. Both the victories and failures of these kings give insights that apply to everyone, whether pastors, church or business leaders or family.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will:

  1. Understand and apply the levels of leadership.
  2. Understand the importance of wise council during critical moments and to rely on God.
  3. Identify and differentiate what relationships should be prioritized so as not to affect your relationship with God.
  4. Analyze the reason why we should embrace the spirit of adoption rather than the spirit of the orphan.
  5. Relate to the importance of learning from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.
  6. Understand that prayer life can achieve impossible things and apply prayer in your own life.
  7. Discover how God can use anyone He chooses to restore His work.

Lesson Outline

  1. Session 1: Foundation of Levels of Leadership
  2. Session 2: Rehoboam, Jeroboam and Abijah
  3. Session 3: Asa
  4. Session 4: Jehoshaphat
  5. Session 5: Jehoram, Ahaziah, Athaliah and Joash
  6. Session 6: Joash
  7. Session 7: Amaziah, Uzziah and Hezekiah
  8. Session 8: Josiah, Jehoiakim and Zedekiah