God created us for community—knowing God, one another, and ourselves. This enables us to live in the light and in love. Due to the significant physiological and psychological changes that teenagers need to contend with, they are often at war with themselves and others.
In this course, you will discover theology as a powerful tool to help you talk about what matters most. You will be guided through theological reflection on engaging with youth to ensure that this engagement deals with the ultimate issues—Why do I exist, and why is there a God? What is worth living for and what is worth dying for?
To approach youth ministry theologically helps us see young people’s status as human beings, created and loved by God, who have the right to be taken seriously by the family of God.
PLEASE NOTE: In this course, you will be required to study an organization ministering with youth. This could be within a congregation, a para-church group, an NGO, or any other type of youth work. If you are not currently part of such an organization, nor have any experience of being part of one, please make an effort to reach out to and familiarize yourself with one. It could be done electronically or through on-site visits. Doing this will enable you to meet the requirements of the course.