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16 03, 2022

Nonconformist Transformation: A Study of Ephesians 5:3–14 by Jose De Carvalho

2022-03-16T09:13:15+02:00March 16th, 2022|Blog Articles|

The appeal in Ephesians 5:11, “Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them” (NLT), is the source of robust scholarly debate. The interpretive challenge ...

16 03, 2022

Genesis, Joseph, and I: Letting Bible Stories Read You by Izaak J. L. Connoway

2022-03-16T09:08:36+02:00March 16th, 2022|Blog Articles|

I am a passionate student of the Pentateuch, so I enjoy Genesis. However, for the first few years after meeting the Lord, I only knew about Genesis debates about Genesis ...

16 03, 2022

Why Open-Book Exams Are a Good Option for Online Education (Part 2) by Kevin G Smith

2022-03-16T09:16:30+02:00March 16th, 2022|Blog Articles|

Disadvantages of open-book testing The same articles pointed to six disadvantages. (Admittedly, all except one of the articles was favourably disposed towards open-book testing.) Open-book testing is not Edutopia. What ...

16 03, 2022

Why Open-Book Exams Are a Good Option for Online Education (Part 1) by Kevin G Smith

2022-03-16T09:16:47+02:00March 16th, 2022|Blog Articles|

Introduction What is the solution for secure online exams? The current technological solutions are to lock down the browser or to use advanced surveillance software to observe students while they ...

14 02, 2022

Like People, Like Pastors: Why Pastors Need Theology by Kevin G. Smith

2022-03-16T09:17:03+02:00February 14th, 2022|Blog Articles|

Pastors do not always appreciate the value proposition of good theological training for faithful ministry. Some have seen the faith-destroying power of liberal theology and shunned all theological training. Others ...

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