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14 02, 2022

What should I think about modern day Prophets? (Part 1) by Rudolph P. Boshoff

2022-02-14T14:51:40+02:00February 14th, 2022|Blog Articles|

Introduction: The word “prophet” comes from the Greek prophetes, from pro (”before” or ”for”) and phemi (“to speak”). The prophet is thus the one who speaks before in the sense ...

14 02, 2022

What should I think about modern day Prophets? (Part 2) by Rudolph Boshoff

2022-02-16T08:42:17+02:00February 14th, 2022|Blog Articles|

How do we judge modern guidance? Many people rely upon God to guide them daily. This is what the saints should expect (Prov 3:6; 16:3; 19:21). God’s guidance is not ...

14 02, 2022

Valentine’s Day – do you feel loved on this day? by Catherine Falconer

2022-02-14T12:36:33+02:00February 14th, 2022|Blog Articles|

I can remember Valentine’s Day as a young teenage girl in a girls high school. On this day we all sat in the hall after assembly, girls names were called ...

17 01, 2022

Just Believe? The Believer According to John by Cornelia van Deventer.

2022-03-16T09:17:49+02:00January 17th, 2022|Blog Articles|

John communicates the aim of his gospel as belief and life (John 20:30–31). Moreover, what has become one of the most quoted verses in the Bible, John 3:16, identifies the ...

17 01, 2022

Reading Scripture in Context: A Beginner’s Guide by Isaac Boaheng and Cornelia van Deventer

2022-01-17T13:35:58+02:00January 17th, 2022|Blog Articles|

Introduction  We have all heard the popular maxim, “Context is king.” Disregarding the context of a biblical passage is one of the main causes of misunderstandings, wrong assumptions, misinterpretation, and ...

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