
Did you ever consider that, as a woman, you were created by your Incredible God to make a difference? He took the time and devoted effort to not only make you an original masterpiece, but He specifically and lovingly planned every day and detail of your life. God has strategically placed you where you are right now and creatively given you everything you need to make a difference for Him. Let’s discover together through “Become A Transformed Woman” what God’s Word teaches in Hebrews 12:1–3 to continue to be a woman who makes an eternal difference in the lives and circumstances of those we touch on a daily basis (Darlene Wilkinson). 

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will:

  1. Identify and discover what the Bible teaches about weights.
  2. Understand the privilege of choice and choosing to entrust God with our burdens.
  3. Identify and understand a sin that may ensnare you and discover the secrets of being set free.
  4. Interpret how you can endure difficult situations.
  5. Entrust Jesus to help you run the race with endurance.

Lesson Outline

Release the Weights that Entangle 

  1. Session 1: Reveal the Weights that Entangle
  2. Session 2: Release the Weights that Entangle

Repent of the Sin that Ensnares 

  1. Session 3: Reveal the Sin that Ensnares
  2. Session 4: Repent of the Sin that Ensnares

Run the Race with Endurance 

  1. Session 5: Reveal the Need to Run with Endurance
  2.  Session 6: Run the Race with Endurance

Reflect on Jesus for Encouragement 

  1. Session 7: Reveal the Need to Look to Jesus
  2. Session 8: Reflect on Jesus for Encouragement