
Join eight seasoned African pastors as they share their best thinking and practical experience on how to double your church. Renew your passion to grow your church to become all God wants it to be!

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:

  1. Recognize what it means to ‘think outside the box’ and interpret creative ways that can help grow your church.
  2. Examine the principles of growing your church.
  3. Understand the importance of learning about other cultures to grow your church.
  4. Acknowledge the importance of encouraging men to join the church.
  5. Learn how to set a vision and mission for your church that will encourage and train leaders.
  6. Understand and examine how to implement change within your church.

Course Outline

1. Chris Mathebula
  • Session one: Creative Ministry
2. Roedolf Botha
  • Session two: Three Principles on Doubling your Church
3. Johnson Ogema
  • Session  three: How to Grow Your Church
4. Hamilton Malaza
  • Session four: Understanding Culture
5. Joshua Mtanyelwa
  • Session five: A Focus on Men
6. Abel Zuma
  • Session six: I have a Dream, Vision and Mission
7. Morgan Pillay
  • Session seven: I am Training Leaders
8. Pieter Klopper-Nel
  • Session eight: How to Double a Traditional Church