
In this inspiring course, learn to effectively communicate the Gospel with Muslims. Designed for the whole Church, Fred Nel will teach you how to resolve some of the main objections Muslims have against Christianity, enhance relationships and build bridges that lead to a mutual love in Christ.

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:

  1. Learn to identify the common ground between Christians and Muslims.
  2. Understand the importance of sharing the Gospel with Muslims.
  3. Identify the six articles of the Islamic faith and the five pillars of Islam.
  4. Learn “The Recipe” to resolve Muslims objections.
  5. Apply “The Recipe” To Muslim rejections to Christian beliefs.

Course Outline

1.    Presenting The Gospel
  • Session one: The Gold Nuggets for Communicating the Gospel to Muslims
  • Session two: Finding Gold Nuggets in The Beliefs and Practices of Islam
  • Session three: Using the Beliefs and Practices of Muslims to Present the Gospel to Them
  • Session four: “The Recipe” – Using a Standard Process to Resolve the Muslim’s Objections
2.    Resolving The Objections
  • Session five: Resolving the Muslim’s Rejection Regarding the Trinity
  • Session six: Resolving the Muslim’s Rejection to Accept the Bible as The Word of God
  • Session seven: Resolving the Muslim’s Rejection to Accept Jesus Christ As the Son of God
  • Session eight: Resolving the Muslim’s Rejection to Accept Jesus Christ As God
  • Session nine: Resolving the Muslim’s Rejection Regarding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ