
Join international business leader, Maurice Radebe, as he teaches 10 powerful traits successful leaders use to achieve greatness. Learn the basics of leadership from a biblical perspective and discover the amazing impact of changing from being just a manager — to becoming a coach!

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:

  1. Recognize the characteristics and strategies of being a great leader;
  2. Comment on the behaviour of Great Global leaders;
  3. Understand and apply discipline, coaching and communication with employees in your organization;
  4. Determine the importance of a balanced work life and what it means to rise to power.

Course Outline

1. Leadership Characteristics
  • Session one: The 10 Traits of Great Leaders
  • Session two: Strategies of Higher Purpose Leaders
  • Session three: Global Leadership
2. Leadership Skills
  • Session four: Discipline or Die
  • Session five: Coaching Conversations
  • Session six: Communication
3. Leadership Dangers
  • Session seven: Stress
  • Session eight: Rising to Power