
Did it ever occur to you that God created women to make a difference? In this course we are going to be looking at the lives of four women from the Bible. Two from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. As we step into their stories, we’re going to see that they were ordinary women like you and me, who lived their lives in such a way that they demonstrated to the world they had an extraordinary God.

Learning Objectives

In this course you will:

  1. Learn and reflect on four ordinary women in the Bible who lived their lives with an extraordinary God.
  2. Consider how you may have experienced similar situations to the women in the Bible.
  3. Meditate on how God wants you to be a woman who makes a difference.

Course Outline

1. Esther
  • Session one: Biblical Pictures from Esther
  • Session two: Biblical Principles from Esther
2. Hannah
  • Session three: Biblical Pictures from Hannah
  • Session four: Biblical Principles from Hannah
3. Mary
  • Session five: Biblical Pictures from Mary
  • Session six: Biblical Principles from Mary
4. Dorcas
  • Session seven: Biblical Pictures from Dorcas
  • Session eight: Biblical Principles from Dorcas