
If you are taking this course, you obviously have a passion for young people and sometimes need reminding of that very passion, especially when constantly faced with the challenges of Youth Ministry. In this course, you will journey with Cassie Carstens and keynote speakers in Africa that will did deep into the foundation of youth ministry.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will:

  1. Understand the crisis happening in South Africa regarding the youth;
  2. Understand how to teach the youth by discovering their interests;
  3. Look at important relationships that impact the youth;
  4. Use resources that can build a youth ministry;
  5. Apply hope in believing in God to make the impossible seem possible.

Lesson Outline

  1. Session 1: The Dream
  2. Session 2: The Challenge
  3. Session 3: The Secret
  4. Session 4: The Connection
  5. Session 5: The Call
  6. Session 6: The Partner
  7. Session 7: The Reservoir
  8. Session 8: Stories of Hope