September is Christian Counselling month at the SATS Symposium. We have three open sessions as outlined below: 

  1. On 15 September (14:00–15:30 CAT), Dr. Matome Mashiapata, Ps. Femi Ali, and Ms. Idalette Müller will be discussing Ethical Excellence in Christian Counselling.   
  2. Next, Prof. Nicolene Joubert will present part two of Ethical Excellence in Christian Counselling on 22 September (14:00–15:30). 
  3. Finally, Drs. June Dickie and Lissa Wray Beal will discuss The Value of Lament for the Believer Today on 29 September (14:00–15:30). 

All events are open to anyone and attendance is free.

You can join using the following link: