This is a very special time of the year for me and my family. We retell the stories of what the Israelites went through being under slavery and bondage of the Egyptians for over 400 years (Exodus 7-12). They were trapped, working long hours under whip and torture. Their cry to God “Deliver us!” God sent Moses to ask Pharoah to let his people go. Pharoah was a leader holding onto the power he had and wanted to be greater. He was proud and stubborn and would not let the Israelites go. As a result, the Egyptians had to go through plagues, sickness, boils, natural disasters where they lost everything, because of their leader that kept making the wrong choices. As I reflect on this story, I can’t help but think of the world today where so many people also feel trapped, working long hours and feeling enslaved by whatever system they are under. We can only look to God and cry out “Deliver us!”

I am reminded by what Moses said to the people “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today” (Exodus 14:13). God called each family to take a male lamb, unblemished with no broken bones. They were to look after it in their homes for four days checking for any blemishes. During this time, they had to also cleanse their home of all leavened products, anything that causes a home to quickly spoil and mold. On the 14th day of the month the Israelites killed the lamb, making sure not to break its bones. Then with a branch of hyssop they painted the blood of the lamb on the door frames of their homes. That night the angel of death came to every home, however the homes that had the blood of the lamb were protected from death. The Egyptians homes including Pharoah’s were not protected by the blood of the lamb. They did not believe and every first-born son died. Pharoah then let the Israelites go, they were free and to this day they celebrate Passover in remembrance of their deliverance (Exodus 12).

They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress (Psalm 107:6). Today we have troubles, and we too need to be delivered. There is hope, God is our deliverer as he sent his only son Jesus to be our Passover Lamb (Luke 22-24). Do you know that Jesus came into Jerusalem when they put the palm leaves on the ground for him on the 10th day of the month, just at the time that people were selecting Passover lambs? He spent 4 days with them, the Pharisees and people examining his every action and word, just as the people were required to inspect their lambs. He cleared the temple of people that were trying to make money of his people in God’s house, just at the same time as the people were getting leavened/products that cause mold and destruction of their homes. Jesus, God’s first-born son without sin and blemish was then taken, stripped, whipped and beaten. He was crucified at the same time as the lambs without blemish were being offered in remembrance of Passover. His bones were not broken during his crucifixion. Every detail and requirement of the Passover Lamb was fulfilled in Jesus, “Christ our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed” (1 Cor. 5:7). He is our deliverer!

This act of love from our beloved Jesus is our hope and our deliverer. You can cry out to him as the Israelites called out to God. He promises that he will hear you and deliver you. All we have to do is fix our eyes on Jesus who died as our Passover Lamb but rose again as our King, seated at the right hand of the Father. He has overcome death and even if you feel like you are passing through the shadow of death, He promises to never leave you or forsake you, he will be with you and comfort you and walk with you (Psalm 23:4).

This Easter time, remember. Remember He did deliver them, and He can deliver you!


Short Bio: Hi I’m Cath, I love Jesus Christ. I am married to Robert and we have two sons Ezekiel and Gabriel. I am passionate about evangelism, discipleship, and missions. I am thankful that SATS equipped me while being a missionary and later serving within my local church. I started and completed my Bachelor degree in the mission field in remote unreached areas of South Sudan. After our son Ezekiel came into our lives I started my Masters degree with SATS. Two years later Gabriel came into our lives. Studying, being a wife, and full-time mum was challenging but my husband encouraged me and supported me. In September 2019 I successfully passed my masters and now I feel called to use the experience and knowledge I have to equip others.