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Special Edition, December 2018


8 10, 2019

Is Neuroscience Challenging the Pentecostal View of Spiritual Experiences and Practice?

2019-10-08T23:22:47+02:00October 8th, 2019|

It is difficult to describe the relationship of Pentecostals2 to the natural sciences concerning spiritual experiences and practice as proposed by Amos Yong (2011)3 a pentecostal scholar, since most Pentecostals ...

8 10, 2019

Towards and Assessment of Pentecostalisation in French-speaking African Nations with Special Reference to the Democratic Republic of Congo

2019-10-08T23:22:57+02:00October 8th, 2019|

The nature of the Pentecostal spirituality stands as a key contributing factor to the pentecostalisation process taking place in the church of Africa, especially in French-speaking African nations like the ...

8 10, 2019

Veni Sanctus Spiritus: The Coming of the Holy Spirit in Inaugurated Eschatology and the Emergence of an Enchanted African Christian Society

2019-10-08T23:22:58+02:00October 8th, 2019|

It is argued in this paper that the Holy Spirit is an agent of an inaugurated eschatology, the tight tension of the kingdom today and the kingdom to come. The ...

8 10, 2019

Reforming Theological Education in the Light of the Pentecostalisation of Christianity in the Global South

2019-10-08T23:23:00+02:00October 8th, 2019|

Recent church growth has largely been driven by pentecostalisation of Christianity in the global south, and this fact has significant implications for shaping theological education. After briefly surveying some promising ...

8 10, 2019

Complementing Christ? A Soteriological Evaluation of the Anointed Objects of the African Pentecostal Prophets

2019-10-08T23:22:55+02:00October 8th, 2019|

How can we soteriologically evaluate the growing reliance on the anointed objects of the Pentecostal prophets among Christians in Africa? The popularity of anointed mantles is a serious challenge in ...

8 10, 2019

Keynote Address: Pentecostal Prophecy: A Pastoral Response to the Challenges of South African Xenophopbia

2019-10-08T23:22:53+02:00October 8th, 2019|

Displacement is a challenge that many countries in Africa face, and in times of crisis citizens of these countries tend to cool their anger and frustration inter alia through violent ...

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